First Music Rehearsal at Music Center

Last Thursday, the music center was crowded with laughter and chat. For the first music rehearsal, the cast was gathered in the music center instead of the stage. Everyone seemed not only excited but also little nervous for the first time singing together as a chorus.

With Dr. Davis and Dr. Wu at the piano, the cast sat down as four voice parts: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Before singing, everyone in the room warmed up to relieve their stress or anxiety and be ready to sing. Also, surprisingly, the stage managers joined the music rehearsal as members of the chorus for the song “Bon Voyage.” We, the stage managers, worried about the first time singing with the chorus. However, under Dr. Davis and Dr. Wu’s directions, the chorus made a wonderful harmony. Even though it was not easy to learn a new song and it took a while to finish learning it, we had so much fun learning great music, singing it, and having the first music rehearsal with the chorus at the music center.

by Michelle Chang, '15

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