Pratima's Ponderings

Hello blog readers, theater enthusiasts, parents, friends, fellow students and casual bystanders (a little nudge to the fall play- Plans).  

Welcome to the first edition of Pratima’s Ponderings. I was ecstatic to see that I would be writing for the blog this season. (Mostly because my dad is an avid reader of the blog, and if he can read about what I’m doing in rehearsal on here, it saves me a phone call!)

But in all honesty I have wanted to write for the blog since this spring. Once in a while, someone comes around that is so inspiringly talented at something that you can’t help but notice them. My blogging inspiration is Hung Hoang (’13), who wrote the remarkable Thursday Think Tanks for the Spring One-Acts. He made this whole blogging thing seem so effortless.

Emphasis on seem.

But then again, maybe it’s not so hard to write about something that I love so much? Berkshire School Theater.

The routine and vigor of rehearsal has become a comfort to me. Into The Woods is my seventh play here because I just keep coming back for more. I love so many things about Berkshire Theater, but my favorite aspect of every production is the undeniable camaraderie that develops almost immediately at the auditions. This very connection is often the reason that everyone in each cast is able to reach the pinnacle of their Berkshire Theater experience. Needless to say building up this network of joy, love and trust, as cliché as it may sound, is the most important thing we do here. And this cast has already started to cultivate this special bond with such fervor that makes me even more excited for this show than any other show I have ever done here. Everyone in the cast works so hard at rehearsals that we cannot help but respect and care about each other. That sounds like the kind of nurturing environment that yields success stories to me!

Which is exactly what we intend to bring you come February with this production.

Until next week, this is Pratima, and these have been my ponderings. 

Team Blog

Hello Blog Readers!

Our names are Henry, Pratima, and Rebecca and we will be your bloggers for the next several months! The entire cast and crew is extremely excited for our winter production of Into the Woods and we are thrilled to give you a look behind the scenes of the show and help you get to know this awesome cast and crew.

Henry, a sophomore playing the role of Rapunzel’s Prince. Henry will be making “Weekly Walkthrough” videos to show you what the rehearsal process looks like for a show as complicated and challenging as Into the Woods.

Rebecca, a senior theater captain playing Cinderella’s Stepmother. Rebecca will be sharing weekly interviews with the cast and crew to help you get to know all the people involved in the production.

And finally Pratima, also a senior theater captain playing the role of Jack’s Mother. Pratima will be posting a weekly entry called Pratima’s Ponderings sharing her thoughts and personal process while working on this production.

So keep checking in for new content! If there’s anything you want to see or hear about on the blog, comment below and let us know.

Thanks for reading!

Until next time,

-The Blog Crew