Christiena Auguste takes us on a behind-the-scenes look
at the 'Anything Goes' load-in.
Read what other cast and crew members have to share about their experience at today's load-in!
Today at load-in, I had fun making the bed for the cabin requiring many feet of tape. I also organized and cleaned the green room to make the space a better place. Load in got me really excited for costumes and I can't wait to try them on!
- Alyssa Cass
Today was a big step for the theater department's performance of Anything Goes. There comes a time in the making of a show that makes it feel real; today was that day for me. Seeing the costumes and putting everything in its place made it so powerful. It's thrilling to know that in less than a week you will be putting your heart and soul out to the public, while becoming vulnerable and hoping that people will embrace it as much as you did.
- Cielo Magana-Bustamante
Today was the load in, which I found to be a refreshing change of pace from the tiresome rigor of rehearsal lately. I am on the props crew, so my job today was to paper the tables and figure out a preliminary plan as to what side of the stage props need to be on. I love props crew because of the endless meticulous work involved, such as assigning our many beautiful period luggage pieces to their best-fitting character. Seeing all of our incredible props and costumes gets me so pumped and ready for the following challenging days of tech. I cannot wait to share this stunning show with the community.
- Pratima Singh
- Thomas Benfield
The load in today really brought the fact that the play is premiering in less than a week into focus. The process throughout the past 3 months has been so new and exciting to me that that doing all the work to get the stage and set ready was a great transition to crunch week. In addition, working with Cielo to set up backstage really helped me realize how much work goes on in the background to make the show come together. Overall I can’t wait to get through the tech rehearsals.
- Peter Dunn
During today’s preparation for the show, I spiked a lot of the props and furniture we're going to be using, meaning I put an outline of tape (and a label!) where everything goes backstage so it's very organized. I also got to see the costumes I'm going to be wearing, and it made me that much more excited! I'm so pumped about the show coming up next week! I think its going to be a great time performing and I can't wait!
- Katie Moffett
Today I was working on organizing props, and making sure everything was in order for the big tech rehearsal weekend. Tech rehearsals are fun challenges, but they are necessary in order to have an amazing end product. I am extremely excited for opening night, and can't wait to see the months of hard work everyone has put into this show pay off.
- Conor Ryan
Today at load-in, I swept the whole stage and behind the stage so it could be mopped. Then I taped down some wires and plugs against the wall so we would have clear pathways during the show. At the end, I helped Thomas create the Facebook event to get some buzz and publicity around the show!
- Liz Butler
Today during the-load in I helped Dom, our tech director, set some of the larger set pieces on a wing, which is the side of the stage. After doing that, we spiked them so they always start the show in a specific spot and when they are not on stage they stay there. That way we always know where everything is, because without it we would never know where something was and the show could easily fall apart. There was lots of excitement for the costumes. I never got to see mine but I can’t wait to see it and for the upcoming week!
- Max Miller
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