Spring One-Acts: Tech Crews

Who's excited about tech jobs?
The props crew is definitely excited!
First of all, congratulations to the cast of the Spring One-Act Plays—!Artistic Inspiration, Small Actors, and It’s Not You, It’s Me. With about five weeks until opening night, we have gotten down to work on memorizing our lines, working on our blocking, and developing our unique characters. Now that we have received our tech jobs, this is really when the rubber hits the road!
The bios crew discusses their plan for
writing the best bios we've ever had!
Ranging from costumes, props, bios, and headshots to publicity and blog crew, the Spring One-Acts has, in essence, become our play. Many responsibilities have been entrusted to us, giving each and every one of us the experience of being both a cast and crew member.

Meet 3 of your bloggers: Hung Hoang, 
Christiena Auguste and Max Miller!
After receiving our tech jobs, each crew got together to discuss and plan out their work for the next five weeks.  Everyone was enthusiastic about their jobs and could not wait to discuss their ideas with Mr. Howard, Heather and Dom. Each group met with them to outline responsibilities, deadlines and any details needed to do our jobs well for the next five weeks. These meetings were necessary to ensure the smooth sailing of this awesome production! 

by Jeff Erazo, '15 

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