Set Build #1!!!

Saturday was the first set build, which is always a cool milestone for the play.  We’ll help Dom construct the start of the set that we’ll be using for the show. It’s a great way to get work done and involve the actors in the technical aspect of the play. We get to be in the mix, deciding the ideas for how we want it to look. So far, the beginning pieces are looking grand!!!


Rehearsals are under way

First rehearsal we began the arduous yet greatly rewarding experience of putting on a Berkshire School theater production. We read through the whole and untouched script. Of course, we did this while eating cake because… because cake is pretty awesome. The following couple of rehearsal were spent doing some improv games and learning blocking shorthand. This is just symbols/abbreviations we write into the script that describe the actions (or blocking) an actor does in the scene.
Once the script was read and the cake was eaten, we could begin to roughly block the show. Starting with the first full week of rehearsals, we went through the first few scenes in chronological order. The main purpose of these early blocking rehearsals was just to discuss and discover the purpose of each scene and what direction we wanted to take.
Each blocking rehearsal has started with a mini read-through of the scene at hand. We stop often: ask questions, mostly answer them- which generally just results with more questions- and in the process generate a plethora of ideas. It will be a long process before a few of these ideas will be realized, but we are super excited to get things in motion.

Float On For Now,
Riley And Greer

Meet your Bloggers

Hi, my name is Amani Bethea and I am a four-year senior at Berkshire.  I have been a part of the Berkshire Theater community since my freshman year, and I am so excited to work on my 5th play!  I am always looking for ways to push myself and improve my acting skills, and I can always look to the theater to help me with these goals. Each of my characters and their scenes are very unique to each other and bring something I have never done before, and I can’t wait to work on each of them!
Hey! My name is Riley Bona. I am a sophomore and an avid lover of Corgis. Last year I was a member of the ensemble in Grease and have been wanting to continue the experience ever since. I personally have a fascination with ancient Greek mythology and am extraordinarily excited to work on Metamorphoses. My goal is to fully adapt into the Berkshire theater mindset this season and to really improve my acting by meeting the bar set by my fantastic peers.            

Hi! My name is Greer Gibney and I am a junior here at Berkshire. A lover of the arts, I had always been interested in the theatre at Berkshire but never had the courage...until now! I am so excited to be a part of the Metamorphoses cast and to shed some light on this process. I can’t wait to see how this play changes me and changes in general. Also, I love coconuts and cheese! Nice to meet you!

We hope you guys enjoy watching as we delve into this show! Thanks for reading!
See you in the deep end,

Amani, Riley, and Greer.


Welcome to the Berkshire Theater Blog! This season we will be blogging about our experience working on the play MetamorphosesMetamorphoses, written by Mary Zimmerman, is play that poetically links together a series of Greek myths. There is also an unconventional addition to this play, a pool!  This pool will be an important set piece in all of the scenes, and in a lot of the scenes, actors will find themselves both in and around the pool.

Among the cast we have a crew of twelve actors, and in Metamorphoses there are over 30 characters!  Because of this, each actor is playing between five and seven characters.

Happy Swimming,

       Amani, Riley, and Greer.