After a great full day of two shows on Saturday, the cast and crew of “Don’t You Forget About Me” piled into a van and headed over to McDonald’s to celebrate. And we did celebrate- a wedding at McDonalds – yeah that happened- Pratima wore Jojo’s wedding dress and all.
At Berkshire Theater we like to wrap up the experience with a cast party to celebrate and reflect. This time when the show’s over is always bittersweet for everyone for each show, but especially for the spring. With so many seniors who have made such a big impact on this program it brings things into perspective. During "hot seat” we gather together and share wholesomely positive things we learned about each other. The cast party of course would not have been complete without breaking into a round of our “Don’t You Forget About Me” mash up and singing “La la la la la” over and over. I don’t think we’ll be able to get that tune out of our heads for a while.
Finally on Tuesday we “striked” the stage, taking away all the props and scenery to set up for BIMP (Berkshire Theater Improv) and other upcoming performances. Strike brings the experience full circle, doing the reverse of a set build. You could say we got to know the theater on a different level after this strike- that is underneath the stage. Led by ASM Carrie people soon after followed Carrie into the mysterious fun of underneath the stage.
On another note we’d like to give a special thanks to Hayden’s mom for capturing some great moments on stage. You can check out her newly launched website to find some of these amazing photos: